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Writer's pictureGary and Kelly Tidwell

Our intention is to help people have beautiful lives, by sharing experiences and knowledge.

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

What a beautiful life!

In this current "age of information and disinformation" we decided to build a platform. Where we can share valuable knowledge to help build a better world from the inside-out! Through out our travels, and meeting people from various cultures, we have discovered, that no matter who you are or where we are from, many of us have been misled, misinformed or just flat "un-awakened" to the programs set forth in our world, through media, and entertainment.

Manipulation of the masses (the program) through the T.V. news media, social media and censorship controls and dis-empowers us both individually, and as a society. We have seen people, including ourselves, endure unnecessary emotional confusion and suffering in the mind, body and spirit. Creating an imbalance, in both our inner world of thoughts, emotions and feeling, and our outer world, our environment.

In today's current atmosphere of emotional upheaval of fear, separation and hate, "overwhelming anxiety" seem to be the "norm" of our current culture. We have learned through our new scientific research, that each emotion we have, produces a "chemical cocktail" in our bodies. This cocktail, whether of hate or love, floods our bloodstreams when felt! Remember, just a thought can produce a feeling, a chemical cocktail. This chemical cocktail changes our biology. Depositing in our body as a chemical residue of inflammation and disease, or as a chemical that liberates and expands our health and balance as individuals. The chemical cocktails of society and of the people are literally causing disease in the body and in society as a whole.

Our healing as a culture, as a human race, first begins with our own healing.

Which is a choice!

How do we bring peace to another, if within ourselves, there is no peace.?

We share how we do life. We decided to "bring something different to the table". By no means are we saying this is the "only way". All we are saying, is this is what is working for us. If each of us take time to understand the importance of our "inner technology" and utilize it the way it was meant to be utilized, then maybe, all together we can bring about not only our own self transformation, but the change in us, will create a change in the family, which brings about change in the community, then on and on. This blog was designed to connect with, and share life tools described in both ancient and modern wisdom for a more beautiful, lovely life, full of love, wonder and void of fear.

"if you want to awaken all of Humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself.

Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation."

(Lao Tzo)

The Hopi Prophecy says, "We are the ones we have been waiting for"

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