96% of the elements in the body are composed of 4 elements; Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon and Nitrogen. Our bodies are made of DIRT. Then a smaller percentage calcium, phosphorous and potassium. We take the earth elements, along with some water and an electrical charge and BOOM – A Human is Created. Then we breath the air of our life force, and begin our time on earth.
Earth, water, air, electrical charge, are the very basics of health.
Where to Begin:
How is our water?
How is our breathing and the air we breathe?
How is our time in nature? How much sunlight are we getting?
The sun, despite what we have been told, is extremely important in our health. Even being compared to getting a flu shot.
Grounding is a process where electrons move from the ground through our bodies, through our meridian system. It is considered one of the most important events for us, yet none of know about it. It is free and cost no money. The meridian, under the second metatarsal in the foot is connected energetically to every organ in the body and when we get in nature especially barefoot, we saturate our bodies with “natures antioxidant” the all- important and friendly electron.
How is our thought energy?
Our words represent our thoughts and “all that we are”,
WE MUST NOT judge ourselves, or our thoughts. Just be aware of them, are they powerful or dark? Strong or weak, judge-mental or kind? Be glad, that we all have the power, to change disempowering thoughts and transform them to thoughts that propel us forward. Not backwards. What kinds of words do we choose to use?
How are our relationships? Do we get along well with people, or are we in disharmony with OURSELVES, and those around us?
WE MUST NOT judge ourselves, or our thoughts. Just be aware of them, are they powerful or dark? Strong or weak, judge-mental or kind? Be glad, that we all have the power, to change disempowering thoughts and transform them to thoughts that propel us forward. Not backwards.
How is our food? Is it alive or dead food?
We are “live beings”. The nourishment as well as the nutrients that are offered is different when we eat “dead food” versus “live food”. If we only eat “dead food” (chemicals, processed food, dead animals), how are we to be truly healthy. We are live beings and should be eating “live food”. The food we eat, the fluids we drink is about the nutrients that are held within. If there are no nutrients, then ask how will it help balance you? Where does our energy come from? Dead stuff? NO…we are alive.
Our immune system naturally loves “live food”.
How is our movement, our posture?
The position of the spine is important in breathing, and the movement of our life force through our bodies. We were never meant to be in a chronic “slouched over position”. Our neck, shoulder and spine position, our diaphragm position as well as the pelvis contractures, adds to further stress in the body and impairs the movement of air and fluid through our bodies.
This is a journey. An exploration of information and a new way of thinking. A more expanded awareness of who we are in this world. We are not in a hurry; we are learning how to approach our health from another perspective than what we have been programmed to believe. Giving ourselves time to heal and learn a new way. Learning to use our body intelligence before going to the doctors. Doctors are wonderful and powerful in the treatment of acute processes, but our own intelligent body system, knows what each of us need, and far superior to anything that is offered outside of itself, if we will only become aware and listen.
“Cleaning up our environment” first begins with awareness and conscious thinking. Becoming aware of our thoughts and changing the direction of the ones that do not serve us. Eating live food, eating and drinking cleaner food and water, drinking more water, breathing big conscious deep breaths, aligning our bodies better through stretching, and becoming more connected to nature and our community.
As chemicals and toxins are removed, our nervous systems become cleaner and re-energized, sparking the body signals to become active and “alive” again. Allowing the stream of well-being, and the free flow of electrons to saturate us. All creating balance and harmony, delighting our immune system, in the” sweet nectar of harmony” within ourselves and within our environment .
Overview -The Approach:
Beginning with the Physical Body
Water and the environment- we are Aquatic Beings – we are 70% water and our brains are 85%.
-Our waterbody - Water intake and Dehydration
Dehydration stresses the body system leading to inflammation and disease
Toxic Chemicals in the environment (dehydrates and stresses the body)
-Food – GMO,
-Water chemicals
- Medicines
- household products/clothing
- Importance of a straight spine
-The spine and the Psoas Muscle
-The art of natural Movement
We have an Unseen Energetic Body
(unfamiliar to us, but we will soon become familiar with, as this seems to be a huge missing piece in healthcare. We have more than one body, yet unseen, nonetheless just as important, if not more.
The Emotional- Mental body Complex – the energy of thoughts, emotions and feelings.
Unlearning the patterns - Stress and what it does, our beliefs, our opinions, and the stories we tell.
Meditation– slowing down our brain waves to create healing
The art of Love
Electrons for our electric body –
Our electric body needs electrons and water to properly function.
Electro smog
Air environment
Air vitamins
“Learn to trust the higher wisdom of your story”
-Abraham Hicks-