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Writer's pictureGary and Kelly Tidwell

Back to the Basics -Part 1

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

“Our ancient ancestors knew of the vital relationship between the human body and its environment that we are just now beginning to understand. They understood that our true health is all about the exchange of energy between the inner and outer environment, and the understanding of this fact is paramount in our true health. Therefore, every step we take into the inner world of our bodies, is a step towards healing both our inner and outer world”. 
-Greg Braden-

A Balanced Mind, Body and Spirit, equals happiness and well- being.

Our “state of being” affects our immune system

The environment controls the genes, which controls our health. A seed can be a perfect seed, but if the environment of the seed is compromised (the air, the water, the soil, the nutrients), the seed WILL NOT thrive. It may survive, but It will not thrive.

When we know and understand “our own” environment, our journey to balanced health becomes quite clear and easy.

Only looking and focusing on the foods we eat, is an extremely narrow focus of what it truly means to be healthy, and by the looks of society and the “state” we are in, it does not appear to be working. We want to EXPAND our thinking, to a bigger perception of what it means to be healthy.

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
-Albert Einstein-

The Inner and Outer Environments

To keep it simple and basic, we will begin to be aware and conscious of…

  • our water environment

  • the chemicals and toxins in our environment

  • and OUR inner emotional- mental environment - Our thought patterns that we CHOOSE to focus on and how “stress” impacts our body.

Health is not about a diet…Health is a “state of being.”

Without getting too deep yet, here is a summary.

Stress is an attitude, a trigger, just a thought can begin its path in the body. Being on social media or listening to the news, if not consciously aware, can become a trigger that activates our stress response. Stress is not what happens to us, it is our reaction to “events”. Events in themselves are neutral, it is us that decides, if it is “stressful or not”. It is our inability to recognize that it is our reaction, our opinion, or our “judgement of the event “that creates the stress.

When we watch T.V., and we see and hear what is going on, we have a “feeling". This feeling can be any feeling, hate, fear, frustration, or anxiety. This "feeling"begins the process of chemicals being released in the system. Uncontrolled emotions and emotions that are not dealt with, become part of US! All that we say “others are” we become. What we speak of others is who we are.

There are reactions and there are responses. There is a difference in the chemistry and in our brain waves. When stress and emotions are not dealt with in a healthy way, the system continues to release the chemicals and hormones in our body system, in order to “protect” us or “prepare us”. It is a state of “high alert”. This system is meant to protect us.

This system is our innate built in system, called the “fight or flight” system, that we had from long ago, to help us deal with the “stressors” that come along with living in the wild, such as getting chased by a tiger, or eaten by other animals, which our bodies respond to, by activating our bodies to RUN or FIGHT. Well, we do not have animals eating us or tigers chasing us, but what we do have, seems to be worse. Modern Society and Modern technology, which our bodies have not adapted to yet, has changed us. With this change, comes consequences.

A state of chronic “high alert”, if left unnoticed, creates disease. This system is meant to be used for only “short bursts” of protection, not designed to be activated all day long. Our bodies, for different reasons, such as traffic, balancing family and work, social media and news are on “high alert” to the world. Creating havoc on our system.

Heyyy man, get the hell out of my lane!” just shows how uncontrolled we are. Our emotional states are leading us to ill health, high blood pressure, heart disease, and many other problems.

There are no reasons why we should allow another, to have any control over our “emotional lives”. This mostly begins in our thoughts. It is not the guy that “cut us off” that caused the spike in blood pressure, it is “our reactions” that cause the imbalance. – It is all up to us!

Every action has a consequence. This is the law. What we put out is what we get back. Often, becoming a part of bodies. Whatever we think, that is what we are.

Due to the mechanisms of stress, this chronic stress leads to the dehydration of our “water body”, inflammation and then disease. We are 70% water, and our brains are 85% water depending on age and environment. Water is IMPORTANT! Every chemical reaction, everything in our body depends upon the transport of water! If the brain does not have enough water, the body recognizes the “stress” of dehydration, and we begin to have memory loss, and the inability to think clearly. Scientist have found that just a 1% decrease in water can lead to a 5% decrease in our brain function.

According to Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, “inflammation and pain are often, cries for water”. That a pain signal should always begin with a large intake of water before anything else. The chemicals of dehydration and stress, not only can deposit in our tissues, creating pain and inflammation but also alters our natural innate intelligence and body signals, specifically those of thirst and hunger. Dehydration in the body, triggers more stress, and if our natural biofeedback signals are “altered” (often due to toxic chemicals we in ingest or are exposed to), the feedback mechanism is not working properly. Causing more stress and dehydration, a terrible cycle.

More importantly when we are stressed, we do not breath adequately, causing additional stress. Our breath is our life force, with it we live, without it we die. The oxygen, our life force needs to be moving through our bodies at 95-100% for healthy individuals. Brain cells are extremely sensitive to oxygen. Some brain cells start dying less than 5 minutes after their oxygen supply disappears, leading to a multitude of changes, beginning with memory loss and motor function issues.

Breathing releases carbon monoxide (not to be confused with carbon dioxide, a different process) which is important to fully release. Even google says, “breathing oversees 70% of cleansing the body of toxins with the other 30% through the bladder and bowels. If we do not breath fully, our bodies must work overtime to release these toxins”. If there is a delay in the release of carbon monoxide, it has potential to build up in system. When we have more carbon monoxide, it competes with oxygen to bind to red blood cells, thus reducing the amount of oxygen carried in the body and our vital organs.

Common sense tells us that covering the mouth and nose for extending periods of time WILL change our internal oxygen levels and /or our body chemistry. Simply said, the oxygen exchange and removal of toxins, that naturally occurs when we breath, changes with a mouth covering. If we must cover our mouths for whatever reasons, it will become that much more important to breath even more, to account for the lack of exchange that occurred when we wear a mask.

Unknowingly, many of our jobs and daily routines trigger this “stress response”. As we concentrate on anything for long extended periods of time, our breath is often “suspended”, or we take short breaths, instead of long deep ones, affecting the oxygen levels in our bodies, which initiates more stress and disease. Our bodies have become desensitized or numbed from the toxic chemicals of our thoughts and our environment and are not designed to operate in chronic states of “high alertness”.

Our posture, the positions we sit and stand in, due to modern technology and modern society, tell us a lot about who we are. The way our bodies sit in now, is more unnatural than our ancestors and decrease our ability to move air adequately through the system and pump toxins out. Thus, lowering our oxygen levels, resulting in more stress on the system.

Our thoughts, emotions and feelings, if not nurturing to the body, creates, chemical cocktails that are deposited within our tissues, creating more disturbance in the body. Just as poor thoughts can change our chemistry; conscious, nurturing thoughts also can change our biology.

A single thought can create an imbalance. We must be aware of the “thought chemicals” we are producing. This is not philosophy, this is PHYSICS, Quantum Physics.

Stress and Dehydration are thought to be leading causes in most disease processes, including cancer and tumor formation. Both of which we have complete control over!

In 2008, an article was put out in Pharmaceutical Research, and supported by M.D. Anderson, “Cancer is a Preventable disease, that Requires Major Lifestyle Changes”.

“Most biology will come from the complex interactions of all the proteins and cells working with environmental factors, NOT driven directly by, the genetic code.” The article goes on to say, “that this statement is particularly important, because looking at only our human genome for solutions of our most chronic illnesses, including diagnosis, prevention, and the treatment of cancer is OVEREMPHASIZED in today's world. As we migrate from one country to another, our chances of being diagnosed with most chronic illnesses are determined not by the country that we come from, but by the country we migrate to.”

(We are not at the mercy of our genes, just because our mom had cancer, does not mean that we will get it, what it does mean that, the gene is there, but the environment will turn it on or off, up-regulate it or down regulate it).

We have the choice to truly be Healthy.

Understanding these mechanisms will help empower us to learn how to better navigate our environments and not be victims to the environment.

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