Balance, Balance, Balance
Health is not merely “the absence of disease”,
but the balance and harmony of the BODY, MIND and SPIRIT.
OK, well what does THAT mean?
Glad you asked:)
A relatively new field called Epigenetics, is informing us that genes DO NOT determine disease. Yep, we were all taught that “genes control disease”. This is false.
Well, if genes do not control disease, then what does?
The new scientific research is telling us that “it’s the environment” that up-regulates or down regulates the genes. That our DNA is a blueprint, a storage center of information. The genes STORE information, but do not control the information.
Our environment controls the genes, thus controlling the disease processes.
What is the environment?
The environment is our inner environment of our thoughts, emotions and feelings. Our environment, our reality we live in, is determined by OUR inner environment.
Our inner world of thoughts, emotions and feelings play a huge role in health, and are the building blocks to our belief systems and the opinions we form.
Our thoughts, emotions and feelings create our beliefs and perceptions of the world around us. It is the environment of “choices” that up-regulates or down regulates genes, even genes that have been passed down through generations.
Yes, health and healing are a choice. This is great news, for those of us willing to take personal responsibility for our health and lives and not leave it in the hands of others.
The chemical cocktails of emotions
Each emotion we have, is recognizable in the body, as a mixture of chemicals. The body speaks in chemical transactions.
Whatever the emotion is, whether of hate, love, joy, frustration, anxiety, or judgments, each one displays a recipe, a “chemical cocktail”, to be poured into our bloodstream. Creating a chemical residue that becomes part of the body.
Just a “thought”, can trigger a flood of chemicals to be released into the system. Creating havoc on an already taxed body system, that is, mostly unknowingly, already saturated with toxins and chemicals.
Norman Vincent Peale, an American minister and a motivational speaker, said, “Change your thoughts, and you change your world”.
These thoughts, emotions and feelings shape our choices and our decisions, we make throughout life. My journey began with this quote, and this quote alone has led me through a journey and exploration into the world of energy and ancient medicine, and this journey has been nothing but miraculous for both of us.
Sadguru, a mystic and visionary said, “There are no positive and negative thoughts, there are only CONSCIOUS thoughts and diarrhea”.
(I know some of my old thought patterns were like…diarrhea)
We must be consciously aware of the thoughts we are entertaining, as they play a huge role in our health. It is most important, to question our beliefs and opinions that we have, and where these originated from.
When we form strict opinions, and/ or beliefs, it is just that, STRICT! Not allowing us to be open to further investigation or information. We will even reject anything that may have some merit, because it disrupts how we feel and what we believe.
Do our beliefs stem from our parents, teachers, T.V., religions? These beliefs and opinions play a role in our overall health. The thoughts we have, the words we speak are often echoes of the past.
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is"
(Proverbs 23:7)
We are what we think, the words we speak, we become.
WE, directly experience, ALL that WE ourselves think about and talk about.
Every CHOICE we make, will either nurture us, or disempower us!
The CHOICES we make, such as the food we CHOOSE, the people and places we CHOOSE, the thoughts we CHOOSE, the words we choose, will nurture our souls or will keep us in a state of victimization, fear, and dis-empowerment. Our choices are guided by our thoughts. Our thoughts we choose create an emotion, which then creates a feeling, these "feelings" are the electrical charge in our bodies that brings more of what we are feeling and thinking!
Did you know that all feelings create electrical charges in our body? This is what drives the reality we see in our world, our own feelings inside are the "charge" that propels our daily experiences. We create all of it.
It is important to be aware, so we can CONSCIOUSLY create a beautiful world. Rather, than being victims to our own inner world of fear and the outside environment
(more about this in another blog)
Look around – do you like what you see within your world? Because each of us created it.
All important in understanding what it means to be healthy!
Most of us have left our physical body apparatus up to the medical profession. Many of which are unhealthy themselves. We have lost our ability to listen and understand our own biofeedback system, a system that is innate in each of our bodies.
All systems in the universe, revolve around creating harmony and balance in the system, the universe, the earth, and us. Yet we have no idea of its ways. This leads to a feeling of dis-empowerment, always relying on an outside source to “fix us.
We hear over and over, through the various programming methods, hundreds of different diets, different exercise programs, different supplements and vitamins, different medications. Then followed by further programming with, many insurance companies claiming we should buy; life insurance, health insurance, long-term care and disability, because we are are “sure to be unhealthy”. It isn’t just the elderly population anymore. The health of Americans has declined in every age group., with chronic disease expected to rise by 57% in 2020, with no explanation and near no end. We need to change directions. We need to wake up!
Unfortunately, I, like most people, thought if I eat relatively well, exercise, and stay at a descent weight, then therefore, I am healthy! WRONG, and so far from the truth of what it really means to be healthy
It really is time to get back to the basics. Our ancients survived thousands and thousands of years without penicillin, which was just invented in 1928. Before that, it was all, what we call, “alternative”. I am sure they have much to teach us.
Personally, we are not sure when as a society, we thought “Natural”, was NOT GOOD. My goodness, WE ARE NATURAL. Why wouldn’t we first always explore the “Natural” first and foremost, isn’t the “natural” what our body recognizes?
When did we begin to believe, chronic exposure or ingestion of synthetic substances are safe for the human body? I mean, we have never thought of using an apple for a car, so why antifreeze (Propylene glycol) for the body? Arsenic? Fluoride? aluminum? Chlorine dioxide?
(a small list of over 50 other ingredients, we will talk about later)
Many of the ingredients and food we consume are banned in other countries...why?
We spend the most money in healthcare than any other country yet a "sick nation". We are supposedly a "progressive country", yet we ranked 35th in healthiest countries, with Costa Rica, a third world country, ranking higher- I mean come on, we love Costa Rica, but whats up,really? (Bloomberg 2019)
Scientific research is great, but common sense is greater!
Maybe we can begin to look through a new lens and be more open to diverse, "alternative" information. It may seem “alternative”, but “alternative” does not mean that it does not work. It just means, it is “alternative” to the narrative that is being taught. As we all know and can see, this system is not working for most people.
Our minds are saturated with technology, an influx of overwhelming information and disinformation, of what is and is not healthy, not to mention all the “so called diets” that are available that are promising us longevity and health. All this leads to confusion and apathy.
We have lost our connection to our bodies, but more importantly our spirit. We have become lost in the illusion of the senses of the body, forgetting that we are more than just a “personality”. What we refer to as our "personality", (our "personal reality") is only a temporary reflection of who we really are. When we identify with the “personality” , we become limited to a small range of perceptions and functions of the body, and we cut ourselves off to our higher principles, that gives the gift of health and balance.
How many people, can truly say, their MIND, BODY and SPIRIT are in harmony?
How many people can truly say that their physical, mental and psychological and/or spiritual self are in balance?
Events happen in our environments daily, the problem is not the events that happen in our lives and our environments, but our emotional reactions and or responses to those events, that change our body chemistry. IT ALL MATTERS.
These “events” that play out in our lives, are just that, “events”, it is our reactions, our judgments and our feelings toward the “events” ,that have an effect on our overall body chemistry.
As a society, it is time to be aware of the powerful connection our bodies have with the invisible, energetic field around us that communicates through the energy of thoughts, emotions and feelings.
This is an important place to begin. Many of us are unaware of why we do certain things , act certain ways, react and complain, or eat certain foods. The external environment, including the food we eat is influenced greatly by our inner environment. The choices we make all stem from our inner selves. When we begin the process of “opening the door from the inside”, we then begin the true process of healing. it is here, where it ALL begins.
The problem we have, is when we know this, where do we begin?
My question, exactly!
The "change" first begins with a "change of mind". Choosing to suspend our current beliefs and opinions, and see what possibilities exist.
We get back to the basics, and this process begins first, with awareness and conscious thought, then, we all need to flex the muscles of courage and begin...
Unlearning the B.S. (belief systems), the DAMN OLD PROGRAMS in our minds that are no longer serving us.
“Modern researchers have shown that the “condition of the mind” has a direct impact on the “condition of the body. The mind influences the body, they are inseparable. The idea is that if we have better messages being sent from the mind to body, this will lead to a higher state of well-being and balance.” (Greg Braden)
Anxious minds, anxious bodies,
The first place we begin is with the awareness that we have all been misled about many things. None of that matters at this point, as pointing fingers is a feeling of "victimization", and that's what we call blame, and it gets us nowhere but backwards, and stuck in the past.
What matters, is what are we going to do with the information that we have now? What choices will we make? It is time for us to wake up, unite and share information that brings us back to our true health and happiness.
We directly experience all that we THINK, whether conscious of this fact or not.
Remember, as we dive deep into topics, many of which might seem unfamiliar, choose to suspend your belief systems for a moment and remain open to new possibilities. This information is not meant to freak anybody out. This information is meant to empower us with knowledge, so together we can deepen our understanding of our journeys here on earth. Once we become aware, we can better navigate and balance the environments we are in. and learn to allow our bodies guide us to better health.
It takes Courage.
Courage, to face ourselves.
Every choice, whether small or large, MATTERS
Every Choice Matters!
“Knowledge of Oneself, is Self -Empowerment”
(Joe Dispenza, Becoming Supernatural)